Blogging Experience

In my PR in Ag class this fall semester at Missouri State University we were assigned to create a blog and to blog once a week. I did not have any previous experience with creating a blog before this class, so it was all new to me. When first coming up with a title and tag line it was a bit challenging as my creative streak comes and goes. I wanted something that would relate to the country, the farm, and the way I live my life. This is why it became titled “Kickin it in the Sticks”. It was been an interesting road and I have somewhat enjoyed it. I like being able to write things that other people may enjoy as well. However, coming up with some topics to write about every week was somewhat challenging to me. I believe blogging is a very special tool to be utilized. It does hold a great purpose for those interested in the social media outlet. It is any easy way to get your personal story out to millions of people in a very easy way. Through this assignment I have gained knowledge in how to become a blogger and how to appeal to the readers. Although to be more appealing it is important to just remain yourself and write from the heart. I also learned if you say anything in a way that may be taking wrong or negatively and could potentially get out of control. It is important for you to keep up with the blog and to be sure the story goes across clearly. According to Dairy Carrie snarky blogs are not necessarily a bad thing either. The have meaning and may reach the people that need to read them. They may also draw in attention from the higher people you are talking to and get a message back. It is a great feeling to get a comment or even a like on the blog. It gives a feeling of satisfaction, that someone else thinks the way you do and enjoys hearing what you say. I hope all that that have kept up with this blog and have read my stories has enjoyed it. That is the true meaning of blogging. I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge about blogging through this assignment and I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to be able to write stories that mean something to me and hopefully tell my story for others to hear and enjoy as well. It was also interesting to learn about other social media outlets such as Twitter, Linkedin, and the use of wikis. Thank you to all who have read this blog!

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